Elle s’appellera Pier55 et sera imaginée dans la même lignée que l’Island Oasis de Dubai. Ce projet s’inscrit dans la volonté de la ville de végétaliser l’espace et d’apporter un nouveau regard à New York.


Un parc public, des espaces sportifs et un nouvel espace végétal pour New York. C’est le parti-pris de l’architecte Mathews Nielsen et du Heatherwick Studio qui ont imaginé Pier55, une île végétalisme et implantée sur la Hudson River.


Pier55 is a public park and performance space on Manhattan’s lower west side commissioned by a new non-profit organisation, funded primarily by the Diller –von Furstenberg family, which will build and operate the pier in cooperation with the Hudson River Park Trust. The new pier will be will be constructed between the pile fields of Pier 54 and Pier 56, which will remain in order to provide a fish habitat.

The pier will be a place of discovery, where visitors can wander and wonder, finding something new around every corner: places to lounge, eat lunch, or just lie in the grass. The park’s undulating topography – replete with lush lawns and pathways – will offer sweeping views of the Manhattan and northern New Jersey skylines for all park-goers and provide a natural viewing area for the new performance space, which will be designed to immediately serve as one of New York City’s premier venues for music, dance, theatre and public art, along with community events.

Construction of the 2.7-acre pier is expected to commence in 2016.

